Retainership & Institutional Analysis
GHRDC's Retainership (For a period of One Year)
In our endeavor to provide professional support and training fundamentally aimed at overall improvement to upgrade the status and quality of your esteemed institution, GHRDC is pleased to provide a "Retainership Services" for a period of one year .This consultancy services will include the following activities and initiatives :
- Professional Training / support will be provided for the Faculty of the Institute (Faculty Development Program)
- Professional Training / support will be provided for the Students of the Institute (Students Development Program
- Institutional Analysis -GHRDC team will prepare a critical analysis of the performance of the Institute in different parameters used in our survey methodology. This critical analysis is prepared and presented by giving what points the Institute derived against each factor both in absolute and relative value terms against maximum points allotted to each factor. The analysis data reflects the gap between the points of the institute vis a vis the maximum point, determines the areas of strengths and weaknesses and GHRDC provides recommendations about how to proceed for further improvement.
- As part of this relationship, we will provide your institute complimentary online advertisement for a period of three months.
- Guidance and support required for pre-placement related activities.
- GHRDC shall assist and guide in the admission process and academic delivery.
Institutional Analysis:
We prepare on the basis of request of the institute, a critical analysis of its performance in different parameters used in our survey methodology. This critical analysis is prepared and presented through power point presentation giving what points the Institute derived against each factor both in absolute and relative value terms against maximum points allotted to each factor. The analysis data reflects the gap between the points of the institute vis a vis the maximum point, determines the areas of strengths and weaknesses and how to improve for the future for further improvement. Based on the presentation and discussion, the GHRDC team sends the Institute the report and recommendation in about 3-4 weeks time for it to take appropriate action